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These 5 Herbs Helped Him Survive Mesothelioma

7-Year Pleural Mesothelioma Survivor Reveals His Strategies In Free Book

What You'll Discover Inside

  • The simple activity you can do right now that can improve your body’s immune system and increase your antibody response to mesothelioma
  • The #1 thing that helped Rhio survive mesothelioma for more than 7 years. (HINT: Read page 17)
  • The 2 most dangerous foods that mesothelioma patients should avoid. (It's not what you might think...)
  • The 23 vitamins and minerals, 5 herbs, 6 food supplements, and 3 antioxidants that Rhio used to survive
  • A list of licensed clinicians that Rhio worked with to help him survive another 7 years

What Other Mesothelioma Patients Say About Rhio's Book


“A tremendously helpful book. I highly recommend this book. I bought it when my father was diagnosed with mesothelioma and given a very grim prognosis. Right away, this book helped to change my mindset from helpless victim to human with a sense of self-determination, and I was able to impart that to my father, too. In this way, the book helped us both in the short term. My father also started following some of the naturopathic medicine practices the author describes, and, against the mainstream doctors' odds, his condition has begun to improve over the longer term. I am so grateful for this book.”

~ Michelle R. Willard


“It took great thoughtfulness, courage & thinking outside the square to make the decisions that the Author & Mesothelioma survivor J.R. O'Connor has written about in --They said months. -- I chose years. May he remain well for many years to come. Definitely worth reading for those very recently diagnosed & in the wilderness of shock & disbelief.

~ Janine M. White


An Inspiration. This is a great book from a remarkable man who has persevered in the face of adversity. After being diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2001, James Rhio O'Connor, changed his eating habits and his lifestyle- and has outlived his initial prognosis by 7 years!”

~ Andy K.


Very informative and to the point. Marvelous insight into cancer. The author had done considerable research in writing his book. It gives hope to terminally ill patients and a path for healing. A must for anyone diagnosed with terminal cancer.”

~ Loretta A.


“My husband has mesothelioma... this is a wonderful, informational book for those who choose to heal themselves.

~ Sandy D.

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"My father also started following some of the naturopathic medicine practices the author describes, and, against the mainstream doctors' odds, his condition has begun to improve over the longer term. I am so grateful for this book."

Michelle R. Willard